Know These Things Before Having an Abortion! Abortion is a very tough choice for any woman, but sometimes it’s necessary for women’s health and mental peace. Any decision taken regarding women’s reproductive health has to be her own, nobody else should be allowed to decide for what a woman must do with her body. When a woman thinks about abortion , there are many doubts and questions swirling in her mind. Questions like is abortion safe? Will abortion affect my health? What will happen after abortion? and so on. But don’t you worry, this blog will provide you with all the answers. First of all, let us know what is abortion. What is Abortion? Abortion is the process of terminating an unwanted pregnancy. There are two ways to terminate a pregnancy, In-clinic abortion (surgical abortion) and medical abortion (abortion with pills). Both ways are safe, effective and legal, though in some states abortion is banned or restricted with some laws. Is Abortion Legal? Certainly, abor...