Know These Things Before Having an Abortion!

Abortion is a very tough choice for any woman, but sometimes it’s necessary for women’s health and mental peace. Any decision taken regarding women’s reproductive health has to be her own, nobody else should be allowed to decide for what a woman must do with her body.

When a woman thinks about abortion, there are many doubts and questions swirling in her mind. Questions like is abortion safe? Will abortion affect my health? What will happen after abortion? and so on. But don’t you worry, this blog will provide you with all the answers.

First of all, let us know what is abortion.

What is Abortion?

Abortion is the process of terminating an unwanted pregnancy. There are two ways to terminate a pregnancy, In-clinic abortion (surgical abortion) and medical abortion (abortion with pills). Both ways are safe, effective and legal, though in some states abortion is banned or restricted with some laws. 

Is Abortion Legal?

Certainly, abortion is legal in some parts, while it’s still restricted by laws or banned completely in some parts. There are 14 states in the USA that have banned the process of abortion. This is a huge issue for women who want to get an abortion due to health threats. But the availability of telemedicine has made it easy for women to get an abortion.

Which Abortion Procedure is Better?

Both abortion procedures, surgical abortion and medical abortion are quite effective if done under proper guidance. It’s necessary to know each process and its after effects and things to consider before choosing any one.

In-Clinic Abortion (Surgical Abortion)

In-Clinic abortion or surgical abortion is the oldest method to terminate a pregnancy. It is performed in a clinic by a professional. They are ways in which surgical abortion can be performed. Either by dilation and curettage (scraping out the pregnancy content) or using a vacuum tool (sucking out the pregnancy content from the uterus). 

Medical Abortion (Abortion with Medication)

Medical abortion or Medication abortion, is terminating an early pregnancy with the help of abortion pills, usually mifepristone and misoprostol is preferred. Medical abortion can be done from the comfort of your home behind the closed doors. It is an absolutely non-invasive and convenient abortion process. You can buy abortion pill kit online from trusted sources or buy MTP kit online, but not before knowing the MTP kit price.

Will Abortion Affect My Health? 

No, none of the abortion procedures can severely affect your health, you might only experience some mild to moderate side effects, which are normal during abortion. Certainly there are a few risks associated with surgical abortion. You are more prone to get infected with STIs if you perform sexual intercourse few weeks after the surgical process, than compared to medical abortion. 

Even your healthcare professional will advise you to avoid sexual intercourse weeks after the abortion process is completed. Other than this, there’s no other risk to your health after the abortion.

What Will Happen After Abortion?

Abortion can quite certainly drain out your energy and your body will feel weak for a couple of weeks following the side effects of abortion pills. These side effects will subside with time and you will regain your energy.

It is advisable to rest for a few days after abortion, do not lift heavy objects, exercise or go for a drive or running, it can take a toll on your body, and you might have to visit your doctor.

Who Should Not Get an Abortion?

In certain cases you might not be able to get a medical abortion. Theses cases include:

  • Ectopic Pregnancy (pregnancy outside of uterus lining)

  • Diabetes

  • Liver or Kidney Problems

  • If you are using an IUD (intrauterine device, its removal can help)

  • Allergic to some medications

  • Women who are more than 10 weeks pregnant.

  • Bleeding Disorders or HIV


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